Registering with ChemSpider

For many tasks that you might want to perform on ChemSpider (searches etc), there is no need to have a ChemSpider User account. However, if you want to save Results sets, Curate records, add Data or use certain Web services, then you will need to have a ChemSpider account linked to an RSC ID.

Creating an RSC ID

The RSC ID is a log-in and profile which will soon be rolled out across all our sites to allow you access to carry out all of your activity with the RSC. For more information about the RSC ID, please visit the RSC ID FAQ. To create an RSC ID, click Sign In at the top of the page. Then choose Create a new RSC ID. You can also choose to log in with your Google, Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter accounts.

When you have successfully created an RSC ID, you should automatically be redirected back to the last RSC page you were on. If you are not automatically redirected to ChemSpider, just go back to The ChemSpider homepage.
