What is ChemSpider?

ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast access to over 100 million structures, properties, and associated information. By integrating and linking compounds from hundreds of high-quality data sources, ChemSpider enables researchers to discover the most comprehensive view of freely available chemical data from a single online search. It is owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry.

ChemSpider builds on the collected sources by adding additional properties, related information, and links back to original data sources. ChemSpider offers text and structure searching to find compounds of interest and provides unique services to improve this data by curation and annotation, and to integrate it with users’ applications.

ChemSpider SyntheticPages extends this model to cover reactions, providing quick publication, peer review and semantic enhancement of repeatable reactions.

ChemSpider won three international awards in 2010: the ALPSP Prize for Publishing Innovation, the Bio-IT World “Best Practices” award for Community Contribution, and the iExpo/KM forum “Most Innovative Software” award.

ChemSpider awards won in 2010

The ChemSpider mission is to:

  1. Bring together compound data on the web
    • More than 100 million compounds from hundreds of data sources, deduplicated with the original source links provided
    • Easy and powerful search options, including Structure and substructure search
    • Validation and curation of synonyms improve the accuracy of our text search
  2. Improve the quality of public chemistry data sources
    • Automated chemistry checking of structures on loading
    • Manual comment and correction tools offer crowdsourced curation with expert review
  3. Provide a publishing platform for the addition and preservation of data
    • Registered users can upload their own structure sets online and have their own home page
    • Registered users can add spectra, additional data, links, videos, audio to compound records
    • ChemSpider SyntheticPages allows publishing of reactions
  4. Make this data accessible and reusable
    • Responsive web design that works on any screen size in all modern browsers, and is touch screen compatible for mobile or tablet
    • Downloadable compound sets from search results
    • Web services to query and deliver data
    • Tools to embed linked structure images and spectra into web pages and blogs
  5. Integrate with publications
    • Direct links to an expanding collection of structures in Royal Society of Chemistry journals
    • Searching of Google Scholar, PubMed and Royal Society of Chemistry books, journals and databases via validated chemical name dictionaries

ChemSpider grows daily with more depositions, more links. You are invited to help build this community for chemists by contributing your structures, spectra, or syntheses. You can also actively participate in the curation of the data; registration enables you to become a depositor or curator. If you have an interest in uploading a data collection for viewing at ChemSpider please deposit your collection or contact us at chemspider-at-rsc.org
